
The best way to start your day! Program yourself in the morning before you even get out of bed and you will have a good day.

See below for more detail and audio samples.

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Staying positively focused on what is good in order to utilize the LAW OF ATTRACTION to get more of what we want is not the easiest task in a complicated world. Yet, every night our energy is largely cleared, therefore especially the morning is a great opportunity to program ourselves. When we are still attached to a suitable ALPHA state after waking up it increases the prospect of staying tuned in to what is good for us.

This guided visualization is offering you the whole spectrum of “feel good” feelings from which you can “download” what is most applicable for you and gives you time to practice to focus on your best intention. When you do this regularly, you will soon notice that you will be able to have a much better inner world, no matter what the outside world is dishing up for you. We all know, it is not what is happening to us, but our response to it.

Of course, this recording is expertly created from a point of language, sound, frequencies and rhythm to make it easy for you to get started.

How to: Download the tracks onto the device you will be using in the morning. If you are using an alarm to wake up use the one included with this download as a reminder. Then, settle back, relax and let yourself be drawn into your own power of creation.

I would love your feedback!


Listen to Audio sample – 4 min
Good Morning Good Day Sample Sound – Claudia Klein

Click on the play icon to listen to Audio Sample

Introduction  Intro – 2 min
Good Morning Good Day Intro – Claudia Klein
Click on the play icon to listen to the Introduction

Track 2: Good morning . . good day 18min

Track 3: Alarm tone Good morning .. . .good Day